Thursday, December 19, 2019

Charles Tillys State Making - 1146 Words

Charles Tilly (1929-2008) is a former sociologist and political scientist who introduced the idea of state-making through state-makers in global politics. Charles Tilly argued that state-making is the process by which state-makers eliminate other hostile or adverse powerful men within a given territory. State-makers are the power holders in society such as kings or landowners . In â€Å"Bringing the State Back† (Tilly, Charles. 172) Tilly argues that states are formed through a capricious and unintentional process by which state-makers enforce war in the pursuit of territory, human population and scarce resources. Tilly says that state-makers did not take part in the pivotal and costly tasks of war-making, extraction and capital accumulation with a mind set of ultimately forming a state. Rather, Tilly argued that the pursuit of resources for war-making, capital accumulation and extraction was required to gain territory, money and human population. Tilly describes capital accum ulation as the process of investing money into warfare in return for future profits or benefits. Lastly, Tilly defines extraction as acquiring means such as population, money or weaponry to carry out the initial war-making process. Modern day rebel militant forces such as ISIS and the Taliban support Tilly’s explanation of state-making, however ISIS challenges the aspect of unintentional state-making, as it ultimately envisages the emergence of a state once the war-making is over. In early June 2014 anShow MoreRelatedThe Western Military Trajectory During The Gunpowder And First Industrial Revolutions2121 Words   |  9 Pagessome of these exploitations affected the Western military trajectory during the Gunpowder and First Industrial Revolutions, most often leaving the non-Western militaries lagging behind. It will also consider the rise of the nation-state and its conflict with non-state actors, specifically during the Information Revolution. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resource Management in Australia

Question: Write a report about the human resource management in Australia. Answer: Introduction In this particular study, I would demonstrate about my knowledge and experience about human resource management. In order to be more specific, here I would elaborate the knowledge that I have acquired from the class and lectures provided by my professors. Along with that, I would discuss about my classroom experiences. Both the positive as well as negative aspects would be illustrated. Before entering in the main discussion, it is important to mention that the lectures were based on human resource management in Australia. In order to illustrate my knowledge and experience, I have segmented the entire discussion into three sections. In the below sections, I would describe the contents first then analyze as well as evaluate them briefly. Journal 1: Human Resource Management in Australia During the class, I was able to gather the knowledge about human resource management in context of Australia. As per the given lectures, I came to know that the human resources are the most essential resource in an organization. Before discussing about my experience, it is important to elaborate the knowledge that I have gained. In the class, it has been mentioned a number of times that the human resources management helps the businesses to acquire competitive advantages. It is the process through which the organizations analyze and manage the required human resources which would help the organizations to achieve their ultimate goal and objectives. Besides, the lecturers also elaborated that the organizations incorporate different policies and practices in managing the human resources and bringing out their effective roles in business. During the class, I came to know about the human resource activities that include recruitment, screening, selection, training and appraising. This hel p to know which authority looks over the recruitment and promotion activities. Before the class, I was quite unaware about the entire process. At the initial stage of the course, it was difficult for me to gather all idea and knowledge about the concept and keep it in my mind. Not only me, some other students were there that found difficulties in understanding all the activities of the human resource management. Initially, the professors took time to make all the students understand about the human resource management system in an organization. After gathering the basic knowledge and concept of the human resource management, I had asked the professors about the importance of the human resource policies, programs, and plans. It was important for me to understand about that in order to clear my concept more. The lecturers taught us that it was single most difficult, complex, ambiguous, but yet so important task in an organization. I came to know that some specific reasons are there that help to define the importance of effective human resource management. The human resource policies and management helps the organization to identify the potentiality and ability of the workforce. Further, we were taught that the human resource programs help the managers to address the behaviors of the labor force. In Australia, most of the organizations confront cultural diversity in business and thus it is important to identify their behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, and sense of responsibility. Apart from this, I have gathered knowledge how the employers motivate the employees. Certain human resource policies and programs are adapted by the employers to motivate the employees. In the course, the professors discussed about the needs of hiring policy, induction policy, employee policy, training policy, pay and reward policy, promotion policy and so on. The lecturers took time to clear the concept of these policies. After clearing the concept of the human resource management system in an organization, the professors taught us about importance of the human resource software and solution paths. In Australia, information technology (IT) industries are involved in developing the payroll software system and solutions. For example, most of the Australian companies use the HR3 software products to better manage the businesses. The HR3 products include Datapay, Winpay, HR3pay, HR3kiosk and HR3people. Besides, I came to know human resource manage is more important in the organizations that are involved in international and global businesses. Thus, the human resource policies and practices differ among the multinational companies and SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). Specific software helps the employers to manage and monitor the labor force in a better manner. During the course, I was able know about the strategic human resource management in the organizations. The lecturers taught us that the strategic human resource management includes discipline, payroll, collaborative manner, quality improvement techniques and identification of mutual benefits. Here, we were taught about the difference between the human resource management and strategic human resource management process. As per my gathered knowledge, I can state that it is important to establish disciplines in order to guide and align human resource management philosophies, tactical planning and practices. This helps the organizations to achieve the long term goals and objectives to drive the business towards success and growth. Furthermore, in the later classes, the lecturers defined that strategic human resource management in a briefer manner. During those classes, I came to know that it gives the employers directions how to build strategic advantages by creating employee value propo sition, labor force involvement in changing organizational landscape, and appropriate communication strategy. Furthermore, the strategic human resource management helps to identify the ethical considerations. This helps the employers to manage the societal impact of the business decision. In Australia, most of the organizations put more focus on the strategic human resource management system. During the classes, the professors elaborated the ethical considerations in a brief manner. I would discuss about the ethical considerations and management process in the later sections of this study. Apart from this, the lecturers discussed about the legal frameworks of human resource management in Australia. I came to know about the major federal and provincial laws that affect the human resource management of the organizations. Most of the Australian employers and employees are applied some specific legislations by the Federal IR System. During the class, the lecturers have discussed about some government rules and regulations that are applied in the Australian organizations. I came to know that the Fair Work Act 2009 is an Australian law in order to reform the industrial relation system in the country. Specific terms and conditions are defined in this act that created some boundaries in which the employers hire the employees. Along with that this particular act considers some laws under which the employers treat the employees in a fair way. Apart from this, the professors provided the lecture about the Public Sector Management Act 1995. In that class, I came to know that it is widely considered in the South Australian organizations. This particular law defines that the organizations should incorporate the best management practices. The lecturers taught us that this particular law is implied on the public sectors to direct them in providing quality service to the public. This act ensures that the organizational decisions are made as fair as possible. As per my experience in the course, the professors could have established more clear idea about the legal context of human resource management in context of the country Australia. More legislations which are applied on the Australian employers and employees could have been discussed in the class. However, during the class, I have noticed my weakness and strength in understanding certain topics. I found that I have major weakness in understanding the government regulations and legislations and their implications in the business. I have consult with my professors and they suggested me contribute some time in gathering knowledge from various books and journals. Journal 2: Recruitment and Diversity Management After providing the lectures on the overview of human resource management along with government regulations and legislations, the lecturers elaborated the recruitment and selection process of the employers. Before attending the class, I did not have the knowledge that recruiting and selecting process includes a number of strategies and processes. This particular classes enhanced my knowledge to the larger extent. The lecturers taught us about the steps that the employers pursue in recruitment and selection hiring process. During the class, I came to know that in most of the Australian organizations, the employers pursue nine steps. As per the discussion, I was taught that the foremost step is identifying the vacancy and the need evaluation of the company. The professors asked us about our knowledge about the process. I answered that the first step is required to identify the skills that the company needs. Without identifying that, the employers would not able to understand what and w hom to recruit. However, the professor taught us about the rest eight steps. The second step is developing position description. Besides, I came to know that these steps help to develop recruitment plan based on which they recruit and select people. Afterward, the employers select the search committee and implement the recruitment plan. Before the interview process, they review the applicants and develop short list based on which they contact the individuals for interview. After going through the interview process, the employers select the individuals who have fulfilled their requirements. Based on the interview result, the final recruitment is done. In this study, I have summarized the knowledge and discussed as my learning outcomes. During this course, we were told to discuss the topic in groups so that we can analyze the lecture provided to us. Through discussing in groups, I was able to know something out of my box. During the lecture, I afraid to ask something to my professor a nd hence I am unable to clear the concept about any topic. Sometimes, I fail to understand that certain topic can be understood in a better way. The group study helped a much in clearing and understanding the concept of recruitment and selection hire process. After completing those classes, the lecturers taught us about the concept of managing diversity and work life balances. It has been mentioned before that the organizations in Australia have cultural diversity in their workplace. The professors stated that due to the cultural diversity, the organizations confronts a number of issues. The most common issues that the employees face is regarding communication. Through the lecture given to us, I came to know that the differences between cultures, languages, beliefs, behaviors and attitudes are the prime reason of the communication problem. Besides, the communication problem creates issues in implementing projects. During that class, I have had a live example that is quite similar to the topic. It provided the brief idea about the topic. Three of our classmates came from China but they know the English language. The problem was they understood the language but found difficulties at the time of speaking to others. Thus, they found problems in participating any learning activities. Further, they had a fear to ask any question to the professors. This example made us understand how the communication gap created problem in the working environment. After discussing the problems and issues that the organizations face, the professors taught us about the strategies that the employers consider for better human resource management. I came to know that the employers apply certain strategies and techniques to deal with the challenge of cultural diversity. During the class, the lecturers discussed about large number of strategies. Though, in this study, I am mentioning the crucial strategies that we should keep in mind. however, it is important to mention that the diversity policies in organizational operations differ from firm to firm. In most of the organizations, the employers foster an attitude of openness in the workplace environment. Besides, the employers encourage the employees for team performances so that they would perf orm more efficiently further, in groups. This strategies and techniques helps the employers to manage good employment relationship. Through the class, I have gathered knowledge about the cultural diversity about which I did not have any previous knowledge. Besides, the lecturers stated more that it is very important for every individual to balance the work life. Here, I need to mention that I had some previous knowledge about this context. Work life balance defines the balance between the professional life and the professional life. However, the lectures provided to us helped me to enhance my knowledge. In additional, the professors discussed that in human resource management, it is an important factor. The reason behind enhancing the work life balance of the employees is to provide mental satisfaction. This would help them to perform more effectively. In this class, I came to know that in human resource management, establishing work life balance is an important factor. However, during the class, I felt that the professors put less importance in this factor. Though, as per my knowledge, this is one of the important factors that the employers should consider in their human resource management plan. Journal 3: Ethics Management and Improving Techniques The professors stated in the lectures that the business ethics is an essential part in managing the human resources. It has been found that many of the Australian organizations' reputation is hampered due to some ethical pitfalls. Apart from this, I came to know that the financial sustainability might be hampered if the employers do not handle the ethics properly. In the class, we were taught that most of the organizations focus on legal considerations in order to maintain the business ethics. Besides, they look over whether the employees have received good working environment or not. Further, the lecturers taught us about improving ways of human resource practices. The employers need to facilitate cooperation with the needs of the employees that help them to build good employee relationship. Besides, I came to know that providing incentive benefits is one of the effective human resource policies. The employees are encouraged and motivated by the incentives provided to them. They try to improve their performance more and thus the employers would receive better outcomes. Besides, the lecturers discussed about some other benefits are provided by the employers in order to retain the employees. During this class, I came to know that the ethical considerations and benefit packages help to establish good reputation of the company in the business market. However, I personally feel that the class was too short to explain the topic. As I feel that we could have been learnt more about the ethics and benefit packages in context of Australia. Conclusion The study concludes the knowledge I have gathered during the course. The course and lectures enhanced my knowledge about human resources management system in Australia. The gathered knowledge would help me in my career life. Besides, during the course and group study, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses in understanding the topic. The group study and the lectures provided during the class helped me to enhance my knowledge about human resource management system. However, I could have cleared my idea more about some of the context. Due to some personal barriers in understanding the topic, I fail to gather the complete knowledge about the topic. Through contributing more time reading books and journals, I would able to enhance my knowledge. Bibliography Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model.The international journal of human resource management,24(2), pp.330-351. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Barrow, C.J., 2014.Developing the environment: Problems management. Routledge. Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A. eds., 2013.Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Chun, J.S., Shin, Y., Choi, J.N. and Kim, M.S., 2013. How does corporate ethics contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of collective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior.Journal of Management,39(4), pp.853-877. Delahaye, B., 2015.Human resource development. Tilde Publishing. Foster, E.C., 2014. Human resource management. InSoftware Engineering(pp. 253-269). Apress. Griffin, R., 2013.Fundamentals of management. Cengage Learning. Hendry, C., 2012.Human resource management. Routledge. Hoque, K., 2013.Human resource management in the hotel industry: Strategy, innovation and performance. Routledge. Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees attitudes and behaviors.Journal of Management,39(2), pp.366-391. Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),67. Renwick, D.W., Redman, T. and Maguire, S., 2013. Green human resource management: a review and research agenda*.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), pp.1-14. Robbins, S., Judge, T.A., Millett, B. and Boyle, M., 2013.Organisational behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU. Stone, R.J., 2013.Managing human resources. John Wiley and Sons. Storey, J., 2014.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge. Truss, C., Mankin, D. and Kelliher, C., 2012.Strategic human resource management. Oxford University Press. Ulrich, D., 2013.Human resource champions: The next agenda for adding value and delivering results. Harvard Business Press. Weiss, J.W., 2014.Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Case Study for IT Priorities IVK -

Question: Write about theCase Study for IT Priorities IVK. Answer: Slush fund slack had been created by the previous CIO Davies just in case when the very vital projects at IVK could not be approved. The slush funds had been developed at IVK in order to get the IT project funds approved. The IT projects were not considered to be the primary functions rather they were just the supporting functions which faced trouble to get budgetary approvals from the department. To get budget approval for the IT projects that were very technical and did not deliver direct customer benefits were really tough to get approved in IVK. Moreover the IT projects were supposed to be very technical and the other departments were simply unable to understand, rather in some cases the approach that the company IVK adopted for funding the IT projects was that of preventive maintenance. This is the reason why Davies created slush funds to get these security related risks handled effectively (Wysocki, 2010). Davies being a technical person knew very well the kind of security risks might generate if the IT projects do not get implemented. He realised the importance and gravity of neglecting of IT projects in IVK that is why he thought of this idea of creating slush fund slack to get budgetary approval for the IT projects. During the IT project approval in which Barton made fun when he started criticising the way the project was presented Davies simply returned back in his shell during conflicts. This indicates that Davies, not being the one ready to take sole responsibility, will result in noose around everyones neck as everyone would get involved while decision making for the IT projects (Austin, Nolan, O'Donnell, 2016). The approach adopted by Davies was typically IT-based approach and not a management based approach. The approach adopted by Davies was technology oriented as he along with John both believed that there exists a security issue with the technology that was being used by Peoples. He believed that if there is any security risk that must be handled by receiving funds from IVK. But his approach being too much IT related which was simply did not go very well with other business units. He laid more emphasis on the security risks that might arise in totally IT language. Thus the way of communication of the security risks adopted by Davies did not clarify or show what adverse impact the security risks that are generated in IVK can have on the company as well as the customers. Thus the approach adopted by Barton that the IT spending needs to be in proper alignment with the IVK strategy and dividing the IT projects on the following basis is a better approach. The projects will be divided into categories like: Mandatory (for example security) Return on Investment (for example incremental) OCI (option creating investment). Barton has adopted a consensus approach according to which IT is important aspect that assists the process implementation and the business units are the ones who decide the priorities. The approach followed by Barton does not suggest that it should take full control over the IT budget rather it believes in putting forth the IT point of view along with the business point of view. By adopting this approach all necks will be in the noose and in case any decision goes wrong everyone who is part of decision can be blamed and held responsible (Austin, Nolan, O'Donnell, 2016). Barton needs to act smart and should not take the entire budgetary control in his hands as suggested by Maggie as well as it will make him responsible for anything that goes wrong in the company. He should come up with a brilliant idea of getting fixed the whole decision making committee which should also engage the Board of Directors. Rather he should try to create a completely new IT budgeting process by proposing certain percentage of the total budget that needs to be allocated to the IT projects that belong to the mandatory category (Wysocki, 2010). The IT committee that he needs to propose should be of board level because demanding certain percentage of budget to be taken into control of IT is not a good idea. In this case again if anything goes wrong then only Barton will be held responsible because the noose would be around his neck only, being the sole person to make budgetary decisions. What he needs to do is support the formation of an IT Security Project which should empha size on the critical factors as well as the benefits that it will draw. IT Committee with board involvement will help in promoting the say of IT within the business units which will in turn help the organization also. Thus the risks associated with IT infrastructure will be decreased and will also make decision making simple and easy (Austin, Nolan, O'Donnell, 2016). Bibliography Austin, R., Nolan, R., O'Donnell, S. (2016). The Adventures of an IT Leader. Harvard Busines Press. Wysocki, R. K. (2010). Effective Project Management: Traditional, Adaptive, Extreme. Wiley Publishing INc.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Indian In The Cupboard Essays - Films, , Term Papers

The Indian In The Cupboard The Indian in the Cupboard For this months book report I read a book called The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks. This book was about a boy named Omri and his small Indian toy. For Omris birthday he received a small Indian toy from a friend and a small cupboard from his brother. Omri put his Indian in the cupboard and to his surprise when he opened the cupboard the Indian toy had come to life. Omri has to keep his Indian a secret for fear of an adult finding out. When Omri told his friend Patrick about the toy, Patrick wanted his own. Omri thought it was a bad idea but brought the toy to life anyway. When Omri brought Patricks cowboy toy to life, Patrick was very excited, but Omri was afraid he didnt know that they were real people. Omri decided he would keep them both at his house. Patrick did not like this idea but agreed only if Omri would bring the cowboy and Indian to school the next day. Then all the trouble started. Patrick and Omri were called into the headmasters office and the headmaster threatened to call Patricks father if he didnt tell him what was going on. Patrick was so afraid that he showed the headmaster the Indian and the other toy. Luckily the headmaster thought he was seeing things and so he went home. Omri decided that the Indian was too much trouble and that he should put them into plastic again. So Omri locked the Indian into the cupboard and when he opened it again, the toy was plastic again. I thought this book had a very nice plot. The book was very interesting and exciting due to the fictitious plot. I think that a story about something that could never happen in real life always is more interesting and attracts more readers. The author described things well in this book, but this book was a bit easy to read because she didnt use difficult words. This sometimes would not allow for you to know exactly how she meant for things to appear. The setting of this story is in modern day England. The book did not really describe what time period it was supposed to be, but it seemed relatively modern. I think the book was set in a moderately sized town, because Omri walked to school everyday, and if it were a big city this would be an impossible task for a young boy. The setting wasnt very important to the book because most of the story was about people and not necessarily their environment. There were many characters in this book. The main character in this book was Omri. Omri was a normal young boy who was interested in playing cowboys and Indians, and other games like that. His friend, Patrick, was interested in the same things, but Patrick wasnt as nice and he was a bit bossy and pushy. He forced Omri into making a live toy for him. Omri had a brother named Adiel. Adiel didnt like Omri that much and one time in the story he hid Omris cupboard because he thought Omri had taken his football shorts. Another character in this book was the headmaster. The headmaster was a very strict person, but he wasnt unkind. The author didnt describe the characters well enough, which made it hard to understand the characters personality, but I think that you could assume what a character was like by the way they were acting. I could relate to how Omri felt when he had his friend pressuring him into doing something he didnt want to do. The author described the characters feelings very well. I think that the main conflict in this book was Omri trying to keep this Indian a secret. I think this because during the book it was always Omris main goal; it was one reason why Omri didnt want to make a live toy for Patrick. In the end, Omri kept the Indian a secret, but he ended up giving up because he locked the Indian back in the cupboard and made him plastic again. This was a good book, but it wouldve been

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Affirmative Action Essays (933 words) - Discrimination, Free Essays

Affirmative Action Essays (933 words) - Discrimination, Free Essays Affirmative Action AFFIRMATIVE ACTION I. We didnt land on Plymouth Rock, my brothers and sisters Plymouth Rock landed on us! Malcolm Xs observation is brought out by the facts of American History. Snatched from their native land, transported thousands of miles in a nightmare of disease and death and sold into slavery, blacks were reduced to the legal status of farm animals. Even after emancipation, blacks were segregated from whites in some states by law, and by social practice almost everywhere. American apartheid continued for another century. In 1954 the Supreme Court declared state-compelled segregation in schools unconstitutional, and it followed up that decision with others that struck down many forms of official segregation. Still, discrimination survived, and in most southern states blacks were either discouraged or prohibited from exercising their right to vote. Not until the 1960s was compulsory segregation finally and effectively challenged. Between 1964 and 1968 Congress passed the most sweeping civil rights legislation since the end of the Civil War. It banned discrimination in employment, public accommodations (hotels, motels, restaurants, etc.), and housing; it also guaranteed voting rights for blacks in areas suspected of disenfranchising blacks. Today, several agencies in the federal government exercise sweeping powers to enforce these civil rights measures. But is that enough? Equality of condition between blacks and whites seems as elusive as ever. The black unemployment rate is double that of whites, and the percentage of black families living in poverty is nearly four times that of whites. Only a small percentage of blacks ever make it into medical school or law schools. Advocates of affirmative action have focused upon these differences to support their argument that it is no longer enough just to stop discrimination. Liberal Democrats feel that the damage done by three centuries of racism now has to be remedied, they argue, and effective remediation requires a policy of affirmative action. At the heart of affirmative action is the use of numerical goals. Opponents call them racial quotas. Whatever the name, what they imply is the setting aside of a certain number of jobs or positions for blacks or other historically oppressed groups. Conservative Republicans charge that affirmative action really amounts to reverse discrimination, that it penalizes innocent people simply because they are white, that it often results in unqualified appointments, and that it ends up harming instead of helping blacks. The issue of preferences to address historical patterns of racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination has received a great deal of attention nationally. Whether in government contracts, private sector hiring, college admissions, or state hiring practices, opponents in the issue have engaged in often-heated debates. In Michigan, legislation to limit or eliminate affirmative action has been introduced this session. A good example of this legislation was proposed on March 18,1998 and it is called SJR N (S-2). This resolution proposed an amendment to the Michigan Constitution to prohibit discrimination based on sex or ethnicity and to prohibit the state and its political subdivisions from using religion, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin as a basis for discriminating against or giving preferential treatment to any individual or group in employment, public education, or public contracting. The present system violates the fundamental principle of equal protection of the law against discrimination on the basis of immutable characteristics of race, sex, color, ethnicity, and national origin. SJR N (S-2) was intended to end this practice and return Michigan to the goal of a colorblind society. II. SJR N (S-2) is on the Conservative side of things, in that, the legislation is trying to stop reverse racism. There really is no moderate way to look at affirmative action; you can either be for it or against it. Sen. Bill Bullard Jr. was the chair and sponsor of this bill, but when he met with the other members of this committee it was stated in the minutes of the meeting that the issue will not be voted on today, nor does he (Bill Bullard) intend to press for a vote in the Legislature this year. There will be future opportunities for all who wish to contribute to this dialogue to have their views heard. The committee then had a long list of testimony from those who opposed SJR N (S-2).

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parent's perspective towards childhood obesity in early years Dissertation

Parent's perspective towards childhood obesity in early years - Dissertation Example Childhood obesity is a rising problem. It is defined as having a BMI of equal to or greater then 95% of the population (Deckelbaum & Williams, 2001, p. 240s). There are a number of reasons why childhood obesity is on the rise. Increase in television viewing is one culprit (Reilly, 2004). Increases in fast food intake is another (Bowman et al., 2004). There are a variety of reasons for childhood obesity, but one thing is clear - childhood obesity is a problem, as it leads to a range of health problems for the obese child, including diabetes, hypertension and heart problems (Deckelbaum & Williams, 2001, p. 240s). Because childhood obesity is such a problem, and it is becoming more and more widespread, there is a need for a study to understand the problem better, including the reasons why the problem is becoming so widespread, and what can be done about it. This study seeks to find another factor that might be somewhat overlooked, and that is the role of the parent and the educators of children, and how parents and educators may work together to combat this problem. Specifically, this study seeks to understand how a parent's habits might be transmitted to his or her child, and whether educators can make a difference if they work with parents to help the parents understand how to help their child. This study also seeks to understand what role that parents play in childhood obesity – is it because the parents are too lenient with their child? Or is it because the parents have bad habits themselves, therefore the child learns all these bad habits? Perhaps it is because the parents simply do not have time to prepare food.... 240s). Because childhood obesity is such a problem, and it is becoming more and more widespread, there is a need for a study to understand the problem better, including the reasons why the problem is becoming so widespread, and what can be done about it. This study seeks to find another factor that might be somewhat overlooked, and that is the role of the parent and the educators of children, and how parents and educators may work together to combat this problem. Specifically, this study seeks to understand how a parent's habits might be transmitted to his or her child, and whether educators can make a difference if they work with parents to help the parents understand how to help their child. This study also seeks to understand what role that parents play in childhood obesity is it because the parents are too lenient with their child? Or is it because the parents have bad habits themselves, therefore the child learns all these bad habits? Perhaps it is because the parents simply do not have time to prepare food. Are the parents aware that their child has a problem, and, if so, are they interested in helping them, and what are they interested in doing to help the child with his or her weight problem? This study also seeks to understand children, and why they might choose healthy food or unhealthy food. These are the aims of this study. The purpose of this study is to remedy these problem/s of childhood obesity.Perhaps there is an educator who has a good idea that might address the problem, or perhaps a parent might have a decent idea as well. The ultimate goal is to determine a course of action that educators and parents might